
Many of you know of me but don’t necessarily know me personally. That being said, there are some traits about me that will give you insight into how I approach difficult situations and make decisions. 

I am a family oriented person.  I hold my friends close.  I cherish my wife.  I enjoy flying airplanes.  I am a planner.  I love my country.  I want healthy people in good jobs; earning an honest living and enjoying their lives.  I will not be ranting about the current situation, nor will I be discussing any political view. I’m going to tell you how I process information to hopefully shed some light, and make this situation easier for others to manage. These are my opinions based on the information available at the time this was written.

I follow the law, not because I am a follower or blind, but  because I respect the law. I tend to relate most of my decisions back to aviation. When flying, there are certain rules that need to be followed and boundaries that are not to be crossed. Not because you would be putting yourself in jeopardy, but because the safety of others in the sky is also at risk. These lines in the sky are invisible to the naked eye, but being ignorant to the fact that they exist may have dire consequences.  Applying this to my daily life now, I will continue to wash my hands, do my best to practice social distancing, and keep my business closed until we can re-open safely for all members and staff alike. 

As I mentioned, I like a well thought out and executed plan. So as the end of the month draws near, we are feeling the pressure to open. However, if we chose to do that, we would be in direct violation of our core values. As those values guide almost every decision we have made thus far, it is not an option. Our current plan is to Re-open for outdoor classes and personal training per the government’s recommendation on June 1, 2020. 

During my time in captivity I have been working diligently to develop a new operating model for the gym that is driven by the success of our clients. We will be scheduling goal review sessions with every member to best tailor your experience around achieving your goals. We also have new membership opportunities and services altogether. I am very excited about what CFX Morris 2.0 looks like and can’t wait to share it with all of you!

As we begin to emerge from quarantine, one question still remains. Is COVID-19 a threat? Yes. However, so are many other aspects of everyday life. If you have the right plan; be that flying around bad weather and memorizing traffic patterns at airports near your destination (just in case), or practicing social distancing, washing your hands and being proactive with your health, threats can be minimized to a tolerable level to which life can continue safely and hopefully be minimally impacted. 

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