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Do I need to get in shape before I start CrossFit?

When we do a Google image search for Crossfit, the images you will see first are people in incredible shape. These people are the elite. The NFL champions if you will. These images are often the first impression of Crossfit that a prospective client will ...

The Real Magic Pill

If your Facebook feed is anything like mine, it is littered with fitness ads for the latest quick fix. Be that a workout program or a magic pill. The issue is, there is so much out there that the water has become murky.  How can ...

The Importance of Fitness

The Covid-19 crisis has proven to be a formidable foe. For many people, their fitness was tested. Wellness as a whole has had a dramatic impact on how people handle the adversity presented by our current situation. Contracting the virus is not the worst case ...
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